OBDF310 First!

 This is my first time creat a whimsical tunnel shape with Grasshopper.

I still can't imagine how far I can make using a grasshopper. So I followed the explanation step by step and tried to make a new shape. Then, I tried to play with the Grasshopper as much as I could.

ctrl + space = menu

shift+ wire = more than one wire into input component.

ctrl+shift = can take all these wires and can move

Biarc  is a curve composed of two circular arcs such that they connect with a matching tangent.

Here are my work in progress shots. 

There was a problem while I was making this. I knew that if I changed the values of the components of Grasshopper, it would be applied to rhino. However, when you see this screenshot below, you can check that the values of the Gresshopper I made before is applied to the rhino and remains intact. So, I erased the lines one by one in rhino. I couldn't find out why this phenomenon appeared and what the problem was.

Here is my final work!
