3D Printed Chess Set: Preliminary Models

Here is a Chess Set that I designed.

This is my original sketches for this project.
During the brainstorming, I had the idea of using cactus.
My cactus designs are some of them rounded, some of them are angled.
I received feedback that all in angular form would be better to represent the concept of a set. So, I tried to make the angular form of the cactus.

I have seen many models using the same method as the one shown above.
Through the Rhino program, I thought I could apply it to my design.

Here is a progress snapshot.
Use Loft command to create a common cactus shape, and then use mesh command to give angular shape.
And then, did  Mesh to Nurb command to get a surface.
Next, when you have drawn all the lines through contour command, you can give it surface with ExtrudeCrv.

Under the theme of cactus, I tried to represent the hierarchy of chess set by the size and form of cactus.

I'm cannot wait to see my real models!
