Reverse Engineered Object : Selection

Reverse Engineered Object : Selection 

I need to choose the object to do reproduce with Rhino.

So it should be dissectible and measurable.

Here are my objects that I found.

This is a Hario Coffee Grinder. Every part is dissectible and also has very geometrical silhouette.
for the grind, there is a blade at the top portion. It is very interesting. but I thought it is little bit difficult to produce it with rhino.

Next, This is a Aeropress coffee maker. (YES! I am a coffee addict)
It has very clear cylinder shape. I thought this one also good to make it~!!

Last, this is a cold brew coffee maker, again. This piece seems to be the most challenging thing to reproduce it. Because this has lots of dissectible parts. 
There is a screen in the inside. I am wondering that how to make a screen with rhino. Because the screen has no surface. 

So, there are my selection for reverse Engineered object.
